Traditional running grips look like the tops of ski poles, and long distance runners use them to keep their hands in a comfortable position when they run.
According to a Technical Article written about E3 Fitness grips by the Department of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of South Carolina Aiken, "the grips function as a biomechanical hand positioning system designed to improve athletic performance. The E3 Fitness Grips weight 71 g each and are molded to fit in the hands comfortably. The E3 Fitness Grips work on the basic principle of stabilizing the shoulders, back and hips through the proper positioning of the joints. This creates a stable platform for an optimum range of motion with increased muscular efficiency."
We were introduced to the concept through a running blog called, RunHaven, and many runners have found TigerLady to be a useful addition to their run. Running Grips + Built-in Safety!
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